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SPSS for Beginners
Module 1: Introduction to SPSS
1.1 Welcome to the SPSS for Beginners course
1.2 Data view and manual entering of data
1.3 Variable view and defining measurement scales
1.4 Introduction to all the features of SPSS
1.5 Quiz
Module 2: Data Visualization in SPSS
2.1 Measurement scales and choice of appropriate figures
2.2 Bar, Pie, Line, Scatter, Histogram and Box plot
2.3 Datasets used in SPSS course
2.4 Quiz
Module 3: Descriptive Statistics in SPSS
3.1 Mean, Range, SD, Kurtosis, Skewness
3.2 Frequency distribution of Nominal Scale and Ordinal data
3.3 What is Normal Distribution?
3.4 Normal distribution test in SPSS
3.5 Random Sampling
3.6 SPSS Quiz 3
Module 4: Hypothesis Testing in SPSS
4.1 Choosing statistical test based on data and research question
4.2 Mean Comparison Tests: T-tests, ANOVA & Post-Hoc tests
4.3 Chi square test
4.4 Two-way ANOVA
4.5 Non Parametric Tests
4.6 Bivariate Correlation
4.7 Partial Correlation
4.8 SPSS Quiz 4
Module 5: OLS Regression
5.1 The concept of OLS regression
5.2 How to choose the best regression model
5.3 Multiple linear regression estimation in SPSS
5.4 Five assumptions of Linear Regression
5.5 What is linearity?
5.6 What is Heteroscedasticity?
5.7 Testing the five assumptions of linear regression in SPSS
5.8 Testing Heteroscedasticity in SPSS - Breusch-Pagan test
5.9 Testing Multicollinearity problem in regression
5.10 Binary Logistic Regression (Including Categorial or Ordinal Independent Variables)
5.11 SPSS Quiz 5
1.2 Data view and manual entering of data
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